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المساهمات : 2376 تاريخ التسجيل : 11/05/2012
| موضوع: Smile حصريا عملاق التصميم ثلاثى الابعاد 3DSOM v3.2 لتصميم الصور والفلاش وغيرهم بامكانات رائعة على اكثر من سيرفر الأحد يونيو 10, 2012 1:11 am | |
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3DSOM v3.2
برنامج رائع للتصميم ثلاثى الابعاد بامكانات هائلة يمكنك من اخراج افضل التصاميم بسهولة وبدون حرفية منك بالاضافة لاحتوائه على الكثير من القوالب الجاهزة
3DSOM Pro is a powerful tool for creating professional quality 3D content from still images. A wide range of objects can be modelled including those with holes and 'difficult' organic shapes. Using a conventional camera, photos of your object on a printed mat are taken from a number of viewpoints in front of a plain backdrop. The shape of the object is automatically extracted from each photo and this information is used to build a high quality 3D mesh.
What can you do with 3DSOM Pro models? • Incorporate into 3D scenes - export your models in standard formats for importing into your existing 3D scenes. • Publish to the web - output true 3D content in a number of web formats including our own scriptable Java format to make your web pages come alive. • Create animations, flythroughs and movies - Use industry tools to render 3D models as movies for DVDs, web streaming, exhibitions and marketing material.
What's New in 3DSOM Pro v3
Version 3 of 3DSOM Pro is a major new release with many new features and improvements. The new enhanced toolset allows a much greater range of objects to be successfully modelled using 3DSOM Pro without requiring any 3rd party tools. Mat-free modeling - this releases includes a new approach to creating a 3D model without requiring the calibration mat in the scene. Instead the user can manually "pin" marker points in the photos. A new interface has been designed to make this as easy as possible. Interactive 3D modeling tools - 3DSOM Pro version 3 provides a collection of new tools for interactive mesh editing including region smoothing, flattening, push and pull and boolean operations. These tools can be used to "hollow out" concave regions to model bowls, cups, jugs, vases etc which can not be modelled accuractely just using silhouettes. Point Clouds - for highly patterned objects (or using a digitally projected pattern), a point cloud can be generated automatically. The 3D points are then used when optimising the surface to create a more accurate model. Texture fix brush - 3DSOM Pro version 3 provides a simple brush tool to fix common artefacts in the texture maps. Curved edge marking - another new feature allows curved edges such as a seam on clothing or a crease, to be outlined manually in several photos. A digitised 3D curve is automatically recovered and the data then used to improved the model accuracy. Polygonal objects - This version includes simple tools to model polygonal (faceted) objects such as simple man-made objects, by marking up vertex positions, edges and faces in the photographs (no masking or backdrop needed). Masking with the new curve region tool - A new tool for defining a region when creating masks is included. This tool has a handy "snap to image" behaviour that makes it easy to quickly define a curved mask edge. Flash 3D export - Our Flash powered web 3D format allows models to be viewable online without any special plugin. The latest Flash 10 viewer has improved performance in terms of speed and quality. You can now display models with 30,000 textured triangles interactively with modest hardware in the webpage or full screen. The Flash viewer also now supports "view dependent" textures for improved lighting effects and an interactive "measure" tool. Quick texture preview - In order to help interactive geometry editing it is now possible to quickly preview a model textured using the single closest input photo, prior to building the final blended texture map.
| هذه الصورة مصغره ... نقره على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقي ... المقاس الحقيقي 520x545 . |
Size: 131.13 Mb
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